MIMIZUKU Spectifications @ Subaru telescope


Wavelength Coverage2 to 38 micronwith 3 channels
Size2m x 2m x 2m
Weigth~ 2.5 ton

NIR Channel

Wavelength Coverage2 to 5.6 micron
DetectorHawaii-1RG 5um cutoff 1024x102418um/pix
Pixel Scale0.050"/pix
Field of View51"x51"w/o Field Stacker
25"x51" x 2fieldw/ Field Stacker
Final F number8.7
Imaging FiltersK, Ldash, M+ J,H (optional)
Spectroscopy2.8-5.5um R~180Si-grism
Slit0.3" x 60"

MIR-S Channel

Wavelength Coverage6 to 26 micron
DetectorSi:As AQUARIUS 1024x102430um/pix
Pixel Scale0.083"/pix
Field of View1.4'x1.4'w/o Field Stacker
0.7'x1.4' x 2fieldw/ Field Stacker
Final F number8.7
Imaging Filtersmedium-band filters (Δλ~1um)
narrow-band filters (Δλ~0.2um)
Spectroscopy7.5-13.5um R~230Ge-grism
16.5-25.5um R~160Si-grism
Slit0.3"or0.6" x 60"
Sensitivity 1sig1sec50mJy10um med-band imaging
130mJy20um med-band imaging
250mJy10um spectroscopy
650mJy20um spectroscopy

MIR-L Channel

Wavelength Coverage24 to 38 micron
DetectorSi:Sb 128x12875um/pix
Pixel Scale0.132"/pix
Field of View16.9"x16.9"w/o Field Stacker
8.5"x16.9" x 2fieldw/ Field Stacker
Imaging Filtersmedium-band filters (Δλ~3um)
Spectroscopy26-38um R~60)Optional
Slit1.2" x 50"
Sensitivity 1sig1sec200mJy30um med-band imaging
400mJy38um med-band imaging

Spectification on the TAO 6.5m telescope

Specification on TAO

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