&size(15){MIMIZUKU : %%%M%%%id %%%I%%%nfrared %%%M%%%ulti-field %%%I%%%mager for ga%%%Z%%%ing at the %%%U%%%n%%%K%%%nown %%%U%%%niverse};


* News [#lc280a04]
- Workshop [["Mid-infrared Astronomy, -- Past 20 years and Future 20 years">https://sites.google.com/g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/mirworkshop2019]]

- MIMIZUKU achieved first light at Subaru telescope (2018/7)
/ [[English>http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/TAO/en/news/20180703/index.html]]

* Overview [#t3e83ee3]
- Factsheet: [[MIMIZUKU Factsheet>Factsheet]]
- Fact Sheet: [[MIMIZUKU Fact Sheet>Factsheet]]

- Brief summary : &ref(TAOMIMIZUKU.pdf);
-- A mid-infrared instrument for the TAO 6.5-m telescope
-- Wide wavelength coverage from 1 to 38 microns
-- Diffraction-limited spatial resolution (1.2" @30um)
-- Accurate monitoring capability with "Field Stacker"


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