

*2013年度天文センター大学院生コロキウム [#n32a814d]
**目的 [#ddab8842]

**スケジュール [#w754cda8]
|1|2013/04/18|岡田 一志&br;「Development of cryogenic readout electronics for a ground-based mid-infrared instrument」|服部 公平&br;「Is stellar metallicity reliable? -- Evidence of metal accretion onto the surface of metal-poor main-sequence stars」」|-|
|2|2013/04/25|皆口 裕樹&br;「Uncovering the charasteristics of AGN torus by multiband reverberation mapping」|梅畑 豪紀&br;「Review of recent results on ALMA observations of submillimeter galaxies」|-|
|3|2013/05/02|佐野 圭&br;「Cosmic  background in the near-infrared wavelength range」|濱野 哲史&br;「DLA at z=1.18 toward APM08279+5255: Signatures of a quiescent disk of edge-on massive disk galaxy」|-|
|4|2013/05/09|小久保 充&br;「On the color and spectral variability of SDSS quasars」|五十嵐 創&br;「Initial results of blind [CII] emission line survey of a z>5 optical/NIR faint submillimeter galaxy candidate」|-|
|5|2013/05/16|柴垣 翔太&br;「Review of the r-process nucleosynthesis」|内山 瑞穂&br;「The Plan to detect MIR variability corresponds to methanol maser burst near MYSO」|-|
|6|2013/05/23|北川 祐太朗&br;「Development of an integral field unit for SWIMS -Part2: Optical design-」|浅野 健太朗&br;「Cold dust concentration around central stars of bipolar Planetary Nebulae」|-|
|7|2013/05/30|柴田 雄&br;「原始惑星の自転」|舘内 謙&br;「Physical Morphology; Bulge Structure and Star Formation Activity in LIRG」|-|
|8|2013/06/06|泉 拓磨&br;「Submillimeter ALMA Observations of Dense Gas in the Low-Luminosity Type-1 Active Nucleus of NGC 1097」|泉 奈都子&br;「Triggers of star formation in the Extreme Outer Galaxy」|-|
|9|2013/06/13|山本 遼&br;「近赤外高分散分光による銀河内縁部の構造および化学組成の研究」|橋場 康人&br;「Local star formation histories in nearby spiral galaxies」|-|
|10|2013/06/20|満田 和真&br;「An Abstract Of Fisher & Drory 2008, The Structure Of Classical Bulges And Pseudobulges: The Link Between Pseudo Bulges And Sersic Index」&br;谷口 暁星&br;「CO Observations of the High-z Galaxies」||-|
|11|2013/06/27|西嶋 颯哉&br;「Evaluation of HAWAII-2RG detector for SWIMS」||-|
|12|2013/07/04|今村 優一&br;「近赤外線背景放射ゆらぎを用いた背景放射源の探究」&br;平居 悠&br;「Recent Advances in the Chemical and Dynamical Evolution of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies」||-|
|13|2013/07/11||藤井 宏和&br;「New techniques for detecting topological signature of spherical manifolds」|-|
|14|2013/10/10|馬場 楓子&br;「Hαを用いた彩層の温度構造マップ作成」|服部 公平&br;「Is Thick Disk Flaring? -- A New Constraint from Kinematics of Nearby Disk Stars」|-|
|15|2013/10/17|小久保 充&br;「On the optical and UV polarization of AGNs (review)」|梅畑 豪紀&br;「Biased SMG formation in an extremely over-dense region」|-|
|16|2013/10/24|皆口 裕樹&br;「Transfer Functions by Clumpy Dust Reverberation Model」|泉 奈都子&br;「Star formation activity in the Extreme Outer Galaxy」|-|
|17|2013/10/31|佐野 圭&br;「近赤外線域の銀河拡散光と宇宙背景放射」|五十嵐 創&br;「A discovery of a [CII] emitter group in less than 1 Gyr after the Big Bang」|-|
|18|2013/11/14|柴垣 翔太&br;「連星中性子星合体におけるrプロセス元素合成」|浅野 健太朗&br;「Mid-Infrared Studies of cold dust distribution in Bipolar Planetary Nebulae」|-|
|19|2013/11/21|北川 祐太朗&br;「The optical design of SWIMS-IFU 」|藤井 宏和&br;「Geometrical tests on the spherically symmetric Stephani universe model」|-|
|20|2013/11/28|-|濱野 哲史&br;「New near-infrared DIBs detected with WINERED」|-|
|21|2013/12/05|泉 拓磨&br;「Exploring Growth History of SMBH with ALMA」|-|-|
|22|2013/12/12|山本 遼&br;「銀河系内縁部に位置する散開星団の金属量」|内山 瑞穂&br;「Searching the method of corrosion protection for gold deposited aluminum mirrors」|-|
|23|2013/12/19|満田 和真&br;「Structure and Kinematics of Early Type Galaxies: Review and Future Observation」&br;谷口 暁星&br;「Development of Signal Processing on FMLO: The Separation of Astronomical Signals and Atmospheric Emission Lines」||-|
|24|2014/01/09|西嶋 颯哉&br;「Evaluation of HAWAII-2RG detector for SWIMS: IPC correction and noise component separation」|舘内 謙&br;「Spitzer and miniTAO View of Starburst and AGN Properties in LIRG」|-|
|25|2014/01/16|柴田 雄&br;「原始惑星の自転特性」&br;馬場 楓子&br;「Hαによる彩層温度構造と加熱過程」||-|
|26|2014/01/30|平居 悠&br;「Star formation histories of dwarf spheroidal galaxies」|橋場 康人&br;「Testing the spiral density wave theory」|-|
|27|2014/02/13|岡田 一志&br;「」||-|
|27|2014/02/13|岡田 一志&br;「Development of cryogenic readout electronics for a ground-based mid-infrared instrument」||-|

-MLアドレス: extended_scientists2013 あっと ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp

**出欠票 [#z663e7bc]

**趣旨 [#r0eedbe1]
***発表者として [#dad9d2ee]

***聴く側として [#y43a2eb7]

**内容 [#ya05f527]

**日時 [#xf4a3ac4]
-毎週木曜日 13:30- (談話会 15:30- / お茶会 16:30- )

**場所 [#s9eb5abe]

**世話人: コロキウム係 [#u9c179d2]
-酒向 重行
-諸隈 智貴

**時間の割り振り(発表時間) [#s358c835]
-マスター1人: 30分
-ドクター1人: 20分

**メンバーリスト [#kbb49a39]
|氏名|学年 |指導教員|発表日|h
|欠畑 賢之|D3|吉井||
|浅野 健太朗|D3|宮田||
|五十嵐 創|D3|河野||
|服部 公平|D3|吉井||
|内山 瑞穂|D2|宮田||
|梅畑 豪紀|D2|河野||
|舘内 謙|D2|本原||
|濱野 哲史|D2|小林(尚)||
|藤井 宏和|D2|吉井||
|泉 奈都子|D1|小林(尚)||
|橋場 康人|D1|土居||
|岡田 一志|M2|宮田||
|泉 拓磨|M2|河野||
|北川 祐太朗|M2|本原||
|小久保 充|M2|土居||
|佐野 圭|M2|川良||
|皆口 裕樹|M2|吉井||
|柴垣 翔太|M2|梶野||
|柴田 雄|M2|小久保||
|山本 遼|M1|小林(尚)||
|満田 和真|M1|土居||
|西嶋 颯哉|M1|本原||
|谷口 暁星|M1|河野||
|今村 優一|M1|吉井||
|平居 悠|M1|梶野||
|馬場 楓子|M1|原||

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