No. 414: May 16, 2024 (Thu) 15:30-16:30

Place: Lecture room, IoA, U. Tokyo

Speaker: 諸隈佳菜 (天文学教育研究センター)

Title: Galaxy evolution in overdense environments

Language: English

Abstract: Galaxies evolve through the interaction with their surrounding environment. Galaxies are born within the large-scale structure of the universe, and they do not uniformly exist. Consequently, galaxy evolution is expected to differ based on their environment. In fact, in nearby galaxy clusters, it is known that galaxies with similar stellar masses exhibit lower levels of star formation activity compared to typical environments. Conversely, the contribution from galaxies within galaxy clusters or "proto"-clusters to the cosmic star formation rate density rises with increasing redshifts. It is estimated that during the epoch of cosmic reionization, these galaxies could contribute to over 50% of the cosmic star formation rate density. We investigate the reasons behind the low star formation activity in current galaxy clusters and the high star formation activity in high-redshift protoclusters using observations and cosmological galaxy formation simulations. For instance, we discovered that the low star formation activity in galaxies belonging to the Virgo cluster and the Fornax cluster is not due to a decrease in the efficiency of converting molecular gas into stars, but rather because of the lower amount of molecular gas available (Morokuma-Matsui+2021; 2022). In this presentation, I will also introduce our ongoing research on protoclusters at redshifts 6 to 14, utilizing data from a cosmological galaxy formation simulation, FOREVER22 (Yajima+2022).

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