*IoA Seminar 2013 / 2013年度・東京大学・天文学教育研究センター・談話会 [#va355cb1]


**次回以降の談話会 [#sd931ce8]

*** 第242回: 2014/03/27 (Thu) 15:30-16:30 [#wadcac1a]

*** 第222回: 2013/5/16(木) 15:30-16:30 [#z4371eea]
*** Speaker: Kris Helminiak (Hawaii Observatory, NAOJ) [#j3c68fbe]

*** Speaker: Gu Liyi (Univ. Tokyo/RESCEU) [#zcddf4a6]
*** Title: CREME de la creme - Comprehensive Research with Echelles on the Most interesting Eclipsing binaries [#ha6ab112]

*** Title: Multi-wavelength Probe of Galaxy-Hot Plasma Interaction in Rich Clusters of Galaxies [#nbf90a09]

 Galaxy clusters form as gigantic clumps of dark matter, and their associated 
 galaxies are pulled together by gravity. The intracluster field is not empty, 
 in fact, most detected baryons are in form of diffuse gas filling the field, 
 the "intracluster medium" (ICM, temperature~1e7-1e8 K), which emits mostly 
 in X-ray. The cluster member galaxies move randomly through the ICM with 
 transonic speeds.
 In nearby clusters of galaxies, the stellar component is spatially much more 
 concentrated than the ICM, while metals in the ICM distribute more extended 
 than the stars which have produced them. To explain these puzzling fact, 
 Makishima et al. (2001) proposed that "galaxies used to have a much extended 
 distribution, but they have gradually fallen, by interacting with the ambient 
 hot plasmas, to cluster centre over the Hubble time".
 By studying the optical and X-ray properties of 34 clusters, we detected clear 
 evolution in galaxy light versus ICM mass ratio, so that the stellar component 
 has indeed become more concentrated than the ICM from z=0.9 to 0.1. 
 This proves the "galaxy infall" scenario. During infall the metal in interstellar 
 medium might be transported to the ICM by, e.g., ram pressure stripping.
 To explore the nature of galaxy-ICM interaction, we focus on the ram pressure 
 strippings in the Virgo Cluster/M86 group. At least two tails of stripped galactic 
 gas were discovered near the M86 region; one behind NGC 4388  emitting in Halpha 
 and HI, and the other between NGC 4438 and M86 mostly in Halpha. By analysing the 
 XMM-Newton and Chandra data, we detected X-ray counterpart of both tails. Hot gas 
 associated with the tails has a temperature of 0.8 keV, and a density of >1e-3 
 cm^{-3}. This indicates that the stripped galactic gas has been evaporated to 
 some extent. By analysing Subaru FOCAS data, we identified star forming regions 
 associated with the NGC 4388 tail, which implies that cooling also plays a role 
 in such interactions. Furthermore we detected evidence of ICM metal enrichment 
 by such ram pressure stripping.
 During the last 3 years we have been conducting a large spectroscopic
 survey of detached eclipsing binaries (DEBs) from the All-Sky
 Automated Survey (ASAS) catalog. With a number of telescopes,
 (including Subaru) we have gathered over 2500 high-resolution echelle
 spectra of about 250 bright, mostly southern DEBs. The spectra serve us 
 mainly to calculate radial velocities of various precision, down to
 single m/s, and also for tomography and atmospheric analysis. In the
 first stage of the survey, we observed all the targets without strict
 pre-selection criteria, in order to quickly calculate the basic
 stellar parameters like masses and radii of the components and
 evaluate the evolutionary stage. Later we've selected about 120 most
 interesting system - the "creme de la creme". This sample includes
 binaries of various, poorly studied classes like, low- and very high
 mass stars, low mass ratio pairs, pre-main-sequence, giants etc. We've
 also included a number of targets for which we are able to reach very
 high accuracy in radial velocities, that allows us to search for
 circumbinary planets and calculate stellar masses with precision of
 0.1% and better, competing with the precision so far possible only
 with binary pulsars. In the talk I will present the survey itself, as
 well as some interesting results, including sub-stellar companion
 candidates. I will also present the plan for the future, focusing on
 the near IR.


** 趣旨 [#x55b0022]
東京大学・天文学教育研究センターでは2003年4月から, [[院生コロキウム:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/colloquium/wiki/]]に引き続き, 談話会を開いています. ~
第一線で活躍されている研究者の方々を講師にお招きし, 最先端の研究成果をお話しいただきます. ~
東京大学・天文学教育研究センターでは2003年4月から, [[院生コロキウム:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/colloquium/wiki/]]に引き続き, 談話会を開いています. 
第一線で活躍されている研究者の方々を講師にお招きし, 最先端の研究成果をお話しいただきます. 
講師の方には, 大学院生の参加者のことも考慮し, レビュー的な側面も含めた上で, ご自身の研究紹介をお願いしています.

**日時 [#j8e80aac]

**場所 [#z7595414]

**標準タイムテーブル [#l6b1491e]

**世話人 [#a28e7dd8]
-河野 孝太郎: kkohno_at_ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp (_at_を@に置き換えてください)
-田辺 俊彦: ttanabe_at_ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp (_at_を@に置き換えてください)
-小西 真広: konishi_at_ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp (_at_を@に置き換えてください)

**予定 [#ke98b8d9]
|BGCOLOR(cyan):#|BGCOLOR(cyan):日付|BGCOLOR(cyan):講演者 (所属)|BGCOLOR(cyan):タイトル|
|222|2013/05/16(Thu)|Gu Liyi(Univ. Tokyo/RESCEU)|Multi-wavelength Probe of Galaxy-Hot Plasma Interaction in Rich Clusters of Galaxies|
|225|2013/06/13(Thu)|新永浩子(国立天文台/チリ観測所)|Submillimeter Astronomy at Mauna Kea|
|227|2013/06/28(Fri) 13:30-14:30|井上開輝(近畿大)||

**終了した談話会(今年度) [#v67584ff]
詳細はこちら: [[平成25 (2013) 年度談話会]]
|BGCOLOR(cyan):#|BGCOLOR(cyan):日付|BGCOLOR(cyan):講演者 (所属)|BGCOLOR(cyan):タイトル|
|242|2014/03/27(Thu)|Kris Helminiak(Subaru/NAOJ)|CREME de la creme - Comprehensive Research with Echelles on the Most interesting Eclipsing binaries|
|241|2013/12/20(Fri) 13:30-14:30|松岡良樹(国立天文台/プリンストン大)|Host Galaxies of Active Galactic Nuclei|
|240|2013/12/19(Thu)|植田稔也(デンバー大)|Herschel Planetary Nebula Survey (HerPlaNS)|
|239|2013/12/12(Thu)|森井幹雄(理化学研究所)|新星爆発の瞬間:MAXI J0158-744|
|238|2013/12/05(Thu)|Anil. K. Pandey(Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences)|Multiwavelength studies of star clusters and star-forming regions|
|237|2013/11/28(Thu)|小山佑世(国立天文台)|Tracking down the star formation main sequence and its environmental dependence out to z~2|
|236|2013/11/21(Thu) 16:00-17:00|岡朋治(慶應大)|最近ちょっと気になる分子雲について|
|234|2013/10/31(Thu)|米徳大輔 (金沢大)|宇宙最大の爆発「ガンマ線バースト」の現象解明と初期宇宙観測への挑戦|
|232|2013/10/03(Thu)|紀 基樹(宇宙研)|活動銀河核ジェット最深部の磁場強度|
|231|2013/10/02(Wed) 11:00-12:00|岸本 真(MPI)|A unifying view of AGN sub-pc scale structure as directly revealed by infrared interferometry|
|230|2013/09/06(Fri) 13:30-14:30|Alain Omont (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, CNRS and UPMC)|Herschel high-z sub-millimeter galaxies and gravitational lenses: H2O, a new diagnosis of their starburst|
|228|2013/06/28(Fri) 13:30-14:30|井上開輝(近畿大)|ミニ重力レンズで探るダークマターの起源|
|227|2013/06/27(Thu)|戸谷友則(東大)|すばるFMOSによる銀河赤方偏移サーベイで迫る宇宙の加速膨張:Fast Sound プロジェクトの進展状況|
|226|2013/06/13(Thu)|新永浩子(国立天文台/チリ観測所)|Submillimeter Astronomy at Mauna Kea|
|225|2013/06/06(Thu)|高橋智子(国立天文台/チリ観測所)|Millimeter and Sbumillimeter studies of the Orion Molecular Filaments|
|224|2013/05/30(Thu)|田中賢幸(国立天文台)|On the formation time scale of massive cluster ellipticals based on deep near-IR spectroscopy at z~2|
|223|2013/05/23(Thu)|南谷哲宏(東大/IoA)|Physical Properties of Dense Molecular Clumps in the Small Magellanic Cloud|
|222|2013/05/16(Thu)|Gu Liyi(Univ. Tokyo/RESCEU)|Multi-wavelength Probe of Galaxy-Hot Plasma Interaction in Rich Clusters of Galaxies|
|221|2013/05/09(Thu)|遠藤 光(Delft University of Technology)|アストロフォトニクス:オンチップ超伝導分光計DESHIMAの研究開発|
|220|2013/04/26(Fri) 13:30-14:30|Malte Schramm(IPMU)|The co-evolution between black hole and galaxy over the past 12 billion years.|
|219|2013/04/18(Thu)|真喜屋 龍(東大/IoA)|宇宙論的銀河形成モデルへの新たなフィードバック機構の導入|

**昨年度までの談話会 [#j1a9cca1]
-[[平成25 (2013) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成24 (2012) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成23 (2011) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成22 (2010) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H22.html]]
-[[平成21 (2009) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H21.html]]
-[[平成20 (2008) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H10.html]]
-[[平成20 (2008) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H20.html]]
-[[平成19 (2007) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H19.html]]
-[[平成18 (2006) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H18.html]]
-[[平成17 (2005) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H17.html]]
-[[平成16 (2004) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H16.html]]
-[[平成15 (2003) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H15.html]]

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