*IoA Seminar 2019 / 平成31年度/2019年度・東京大学・天文学教育研究センター・談話会 [#t8e79eca]


* Upcoming Seminars [#ebd6a62d]

** No. 351: 2 October 2019 (Wed) 13:15 - 14:15 [#xb7a91df]
*** Speaker: 吉田健二 (芝浦工業大学) [#id03825f]
*** Title: Correlations between Optical/Infrared and Gamma-ray Variability in Bright Well-Monitored Blazars 2008-2017 [#z720d980]

Abstract: We present cross correlations of the SMARTS optical/infrared and
Fermi-LAT gamma-ray light curves for 8 bright blazars that have been
monitored with 1 day time bin over the past decade. For the temporal
correlation analysis of unevenly sampled variability data, we use the
Discrete Correlation Function (DCF), creating an empirical bootstrapping
method to assess the significance of the DCF amplitude for each blazar.
Our results are perhaps surprising. Early on in the Fermi mission, the
brightest gamma-ray  blazar 3C 454.3 showed zero lag between
optical/infrared and gamma-ray fluxes as reported by Bonning et al.
(2012), which was consistent with the leptonic model that
optical/infrared photons are produced by synchrotron radiation of
relativistic electrons and gamma rays are produced by inverse Compton
scattering of ambient photons by the synchrotron-emitting electrons.
However, among the 8 blazars, only one blazar ― 3C 454.3 ― shows a
significant peak at zero lag, and the other 7 blazars show no
significant peak at zero lag. Some blazars show broad peaks at tens of
days of lags at or just below 3 sigma significance. In addition, for a
given blazar, strong changes of the DCFs from one epoch to the next are
shown by the analyses of time periods of one or two year. These results
make it complicated to understand blazar emission mechanisms. Possible
physical explanations are discussed.

Language: Japanese

** No. 352: 24 October 2019 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#je71137c]
*** Speaker: Tetsuya Hashimoto (National Tsing Hua University) [#p446196c]
*** Title: Recent three discoveries from NTHU cosmology group [#gd344d07]

Abstract: I will present my recent papers on (i) the luminosity-duration
relation of fast radio bursts (FRBs), (ii) ALMA observations of
Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) host galaxies, and (iii) a blue cluster
in the local Universe. Brief summaries of each paper are as follows.

(i) Luminosity-duration relation of fast radio bursts
We discovered an empirical correlation between luminosity and duration
of FRBs. We propose a new distance measure using the relation of FRBs,
which can reach more distant Universe than type Ia supernovae in quantity.
This method can potentially reveal the time variability of the dark energy,
which is one of the central foci of observational cosmology.

(ii) SFRs of two GRB host galaxies at z~2 and a [CII] deficit observed with
We discovered a new parameter to characterize GRB host galaxies, [CII]
deficit, by overcoming a serious dust-extinction problem of GRB host
galaxies. Possible parameters controlling the deficit include the metallicity,
initial mass function, and gas density.

(iii) A young galaxy cluster in the old Universe
We discovered a 'blue cluster', that is a local galaxy cluster with an
unprecedentedly high fraction of blue star-forming galaxies yet hosted
by a massive dark matter halo. The blue cluster challenges the current
standard understanding of galaxy formation under the Lambda CDM

Language: English


** No. 353: 31 October 2019 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#ja6cd708]
*** 講師: 徳田一起(大阪府立大学) [#aae24360]
*** 題目: ALMAによる大小マゼラン雲とM33の巨大分子雲観測 [#lf3f0b7f]


 本講演では主に、ALMAによる0.”2(~0.07 pc)の高分解能観測によって得られた大マゼラン雲N159領域の結果について紹介する。EとW領域にて、~0.1 pc 幅のフィラメント状分子雲と大質量原始星からのアウトフロー、わし座で見られる”創造の柱”構造などを系外銀河の分子雲で初めて同定した。この2つの領域は互いに 50 pc以上離れているにも関わらず、非常に似た性質/進化段階を示すことから、銀河規模の大局的なガスフローが同時多発的なフィラメント状分子雲/大質量星形成に重要な役割を果たしたと考えられる。


Language: Japanese


* 本談話会について [#c1b638ff]

** 趣旨 [#d48cd456]

東京大学・天文学教育研究センターでは2003年4月から, [[院生コロキウム:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/colloquium/wiki/]]に引き続き, 談話会を開いています. 
第一線で活躍されている研究者の方々を講師にお招きし, 最先端の研究成果をお話しいただきます. 
講師の方には, 大学院生の参加者のことも考慮し, レビュー的な側面も含めた上で, ご自身の研究紹介をお願いしています.

**日時 [#ve668db6]

**場所 [#j9cedf34]

**標準タイムテーブル [#b66015f3]

**世話人 [#q8bd3108]

please replace _at_ to @

- Kotaro KOHNO 河野孝太郎 kkohno _at_ ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp 
- Masuo TANAKA 田中培生 mtanaka _at_ ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- Ryou OHSAWA 大澤亮 ohsawa _at_ ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- Yuu NIINO 新納悠 yuuniino _at_ ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp

** Schedule [#ac94b97b]
|BGCOLOR(cyan):#|BGCOLOR(cyan): Date|BGCOLOR(cyan):Speaker|BGCOLOR(cyan):Title|BGCOLOR(cyan):Chair|
|352|2019/10/24(Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 | 橋本哲也 Tetsuya Hashimoto (台湾国立清華大学) | Recent three discoveries from NTHU cosmology group | YN |
|353|2019/10/31(Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 | 徳田一起 Kazuki Tokuda (Osaka Prefecture University) | ALMAによる大小マゼラン雲とM33の巨大分子雲観測 ALMA observations of GMCs in the Large/Small Magellanic Clouds and M33 | KK |
|354|2019/11/07(Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 | 高倉理 Satoru Takakura (IPMU/U.Tokyo) | (TBA) | YN |

**終了した談話会(2019年度) [#h9b1f387]
詳細はこちら: [[平成31(2019)年度談話会]]
|BGCOLOR(cyan):#|BGCOLOR(cyan): Date|BGCOLOR(cyan):Speaker|BGCOLOR(cyan):Title|BGCOLOR(cyan):Chair|
|345|2019/04/01(Mon) 15:30 - 16:30 | J. Xavier Prochaska (UCO/Lick Observatory) | The Wolfe Disk: ALMA Discoveries of Distant, HI-selected Galaxies | KK |
|346|2019/06/27(Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 | Yuu NIINO (IoA/Univ. of Tokyo) | The origin of short and intense explosions in the universe | KK |
|347|2019/07/02(Tue) 16:00 - 17:00 | Wakiko ISHIBASHI (University of Zurich) | How AGN radiative feedback may shape black hole-galaxy co-evolution | KK |
|348|2019/07/04(Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 | Hidenobu YAJIMA (Univ. of Tsukuba) | Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation at the epoch of reionization | KK |
|349|2019/07/11(Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 | Fumihiko USUI (Kobe University) | 近赤外線分光観測による小惑星の含水鉱物探査 | RO |
|350|2019/08/26(Mon.) 15:30 - 16:30 | Glenn Orton (NASA/JPL) | The Exploration of Jupiter by the Juno Mission | RO |
|351|2019/10/2(Wed) 13:15 - 14:15 | 吉田健二 Kenji Yoshida (芝浦工業大学) | Correlations between Optical/Infrared and Gamma-ray Variability in Bright Well-Monitored Blazars 2008-2017 | YN|

**これまでの談話会 [#e657f394]
-[[平成30 (2018) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成29 (2017) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成28 (2016) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成27 (2015) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成26 (2014) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成25 (2013) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成24 (2012) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成23 (2011) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成22 (2010) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H22.html]]
-[[平成21 (2009) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H21.html]]
-[[平成20 (2008) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H20.html]]
-[[平成19 (2007) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H19.html]]
-[[平成18 (2006) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H18.html]]
-[[平成17 (2005) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H17.html]]
-[[平成16 (2004) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H16.html]]
-[[平成15 (2003) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H15.html]]

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