*IoA Seminar 2022 / 令和4年度/2022年度 東京大学天文学教育研究センター・天文学教室合同談話会 [#t8e79eca]


* 本談話会について [#c1b638ff]

** 趣旨 [#d48cd456]

2021年度より当面のあいだ, 天文学教室と天文学教育研究センター合同での開催となっております。&br;

**定例日時 [#ve668db6]
- 天文センター担当回
-- 木曜日 15:30-16:30
- 天文教室担当回
-- 火曜日 16:15-17:15

**場所 [#j9cedf34]
- zoom によるオンライン開催(2022.04〜当面)

**世話人(天文センター) [#q8bd3108]

ML: semiadm _at_ ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp 

please replace _at_ with @

- MINEZAKI, Takeo 峰崎岳夫 minezaki _at_ ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp 
- ASANO, Kentaro 浅野健太朗 kenasano _at_ ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- KOYAMA, Shuhei 小山舜平 skoyama _at_ ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- MAEDA, Fumiya 前田郁弥 fmaeda _at_ ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp

**天文学教室談話会について [#ecc2eb80]
- 天文学教室談話会については、[[こちら>http://www.astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/seminar/seminar/]]もご覧ください。

* Upcoming Seminars [#ebd6a62d]

** No. 384: [#sa8de342]

*** Speaker: Kei Ito(Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo) [#z2b5224d]

*** Title: Environment and AGN activity of distant quiescent galaxies revealed by multi-wavelength surveys in the COSMOS field [#t5f752ba]

Language: Japanese
* Upcoming Seminars [#ebd6a62d]

** No. 385: 7 July 2022 (Thu) 15:00 - 16:00 [#e819d7c8]
*** Speaker: Dr. Paul Hertz (NASA Astrophysics Division Director) [#pcd290b0]
*** Title: NASA Astrophysics: From the past to the future [#lbd046e3]
Language: English
Recent multi-band observations have found that galaxies with suppressed star formation activity exist even in the high redshift universe. The state-of-art spectrograph has now confirmed them up to z~4. On the other hand, it is not well understood why they get quenched at such a high redshift, even though the cold streams are expected to supply gas. One of the preferable quenching mechanisms is the feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In addition, it has been challenging to see how quenching is connected to their living environment inside the large-scale structure of the distant universe. The cosmic evolution survey (COSMOS) is one of the preferable datasets to reveal these points since it has both a large survey area and deep multi-band photometry. In this talk, I will introduce our recent two papers on quiescent galaxies at high redshift. The first explores the spatial distribution differences among massive quiescent galaxies, mass star-forming galaxies, and Lyα emitters at 2<z<4.5. The second conducts a stacking analysis of X-ray and radio images for massive quiescent galaxies up to z~5 to explore the contribution of AGNs to quenching.


** No. 386: 12 July 2022 (Tue) 16:15 - 17:15 [#vb951864]

*** Speaker: Yutaro Kofuji(Department of Astronomy, The University of Tokyo) [#h7202f14]

*** Title:Imaging of the Supermassive Black Hole in Our Galaxy, Sgr A* with the Event Horizon Telescope [#le486dbc]

Language: English

The first event horizon scale image of the supermassive black hole in our Galaxy, Sgr A* was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope(EHT) Collaboration. EHT is the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) that links radio dishes around the world to create an Earth-sized telescope virtually. High-resolution observations of EHT enable us to see the vicinity of the black hole. We analyzed the reconstructed images and concluded that it is highly likely that Sgr A* has ~50 uas ring structure and this is consistent with the shadow of the Kerr black hole which weighs ~4 million solar masses. In this seminar, I would like to summarize the major results, then explain the details of our imaging process and briefly introduce the theoretical interpretations of our images.


* 今後の講演予定 [#ac94b97b]
|BGCOLOR(cyan):#|BGCOLOR(cyan): Date|BGCOLOR(cyan):Speaker|BGCOLOR(cyan):Title|BGCOLOR(cyan):Chair|
|384|2022年7月5日(火)|伊藤 慧(東京大学天文学教室)|Environment and AGN activity of distant quiescent galaxies revealed by multi-wavelength surveys in the COSMOS field|天文学教室|
|385|2022年7月12日(火)|小藤 由太郎(東京大学天文学教室)|Imaging of the Supermassive Black Hole in Our Galaxy, Sgr A* with the Event Horizon Telescope|天文学教室|
|386|2022年7月21日(木)|Mason Leist (University of Texas San Antonio)|TBD|天文学教室|
|387|2022年7月28日(木)|細川 隆史(京都大学) |TBD|天文学教室|
|388|2022年8月2日(火)|Scarlet Elgueta(東京大学天文学教室)|Chemical abundances of time-series spectra of Classical Cepheids with WINERED|天文学教室|
|385|2022年7月7日(木)|Dr. Paul Hertz (NASA Astrophysics Division Director)|NASA Astrophysics: From the past to the future|天文学教室|
|386|2022年7月12日(火)|小藤 由太郎(東京大学天文学教室)|Imaging of the Supermassive Black Hole in Our Galaxy, Sgr A* with the Event Horizon Telescope|天文学教室|
|387|2022年7月21日(木)|Mason Leist (University of Texas San Antonio)|TBD|天文学教室|
|388|2022年7月28日(木)|細川 隆史(京都大学) |TBD|天文学教室|
|389|2022年8月2日(火)|Scarlet Elgueta(東京大学天文学教室)|Chemical abundances of time-series spectra of Classical Cepheids with WINERED|天文学教室|

*終了した談話会(2022年度) [#h9b1f387]
詳細はこちら: [[令和4(2022)年度談話会]]
|BGCOLOR(cyan):#|BGCOLOR(cyan): Date|BGCOLOR(cyan):Speaker|BGCOLOR(cyan):Title|BGCOLOR(cyan):Chair|
|381|2022年5月10日(火)|西村優里(東京大学天文学教室)|Molecular spectroscopy in local and high-redshift galaxies: What do "dense gas tracers" mean? |天文学教室|
|382|2022年6月9日(木)|堀内貴史 (東京大学天文学教育研究センター)|Evaluation of magnitudes of the Starlink satellites by simultaneous multicolor observations|天文センター|
|383|2022年6月21日(火)|Paul K. H. Yeung(東京大学物理学教室)|Cosmic-ray Acceleration & Escape from Intermediate-Aged Supernova Remnant Kes 79|天文学教室|
|384|2022年7月5日(火)|伊藤 慧(東京大学天文学教室)|Environment and AGN activity of distant quiescent galaxies revealed by multi-wavelength surveys in the COSMOS field|天文学教室|


*これまでの談話会 [#e657f394]
-[[平成30 (2018) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成29 (2017) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成28 (2016) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成27 (2015) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成26 (2014) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成25 (2013) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成24 (2012) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成23 (2011) 年度談話会]]
-[[平成22 (2010) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H22.html]]
-[[平成21 (2009) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H21.html]]
-[[平成20 (2008) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H20.html]]
-[[平成19 (2007) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H19.html]]
-[[平成18 (2006) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H18.html]]
-[[平成17 (2005) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H17.html]]
-[[平成16 (2004) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H16.html]]
-[[平成15 (2003) 年度談話会:http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/danwakai//past/danwakai_H15.html]]

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