平成30 (2018) 年度談話会
] [
** No. 323: April 26 (Thu), 2018, 15:30 - 16:30 [#vcd09466]
*** 講師: 福島登志夫(国立天文台) [#b0e9a86c]
*** 題目: 自然科学における温故知新のすすめ [#sfcf2590]
要旨: 「温故知新」は孔子の初学者に対する助言である。新し...
1965年に発表された高速フーリエ変換(Fast Fourier Trans...
高速検索技法やProject Gutenbergに代表される無料電子図書館の
*** Speaker: Toshio FUKUSHIMA (NAOJ) [#s4001340]
*** Title: Study Old and Find New [#nf7a2c82]
Abstract: "Study Old and Find New" is a Confucian advice ...
it is a general principle, this motto is not so advocated...
Rather, we are told to "Study Now and Find New." However,...
is not so simple. Indeed, there exists an educative speci...
discovery was delayed to be popularized because nobody di...
The well-known FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) was said to b...
by Cooley and Tukey in 1965. Nevertheless, Gauss did prop...
same method in 1805. An older example is Newton's cannon ...
in Vol. 3 of PRINCIPIA, which is nothing but the artifici...
Laplace estimated an upper bound of Sun's density by usin...
that its escape velocity is less than the speed of light....
the Sun is never a black hole, which the general theory o...
said to have discovered. Then, how can we avoid such a re...
of the existing but not popular idea? The only solution m...
"Study Old, Study Old, and Study Old". Fortunately, the d...
of searching engines as the Google and the spread of free...
library systems like the Project Gutenberg seem to have i...
the situation. Having said so, we must admit that remaine...
issue: exponentially increasing literature. It might mean...
lifetime of a researcher is spent before reaching the cut...
Is there any other way to resolve this problem than relyi...
advancement of the Artificial Intelligence?
** No. 324: 14 May, 2018 (Mon) 15:30 - 16:30 [#f4e17407]
*** Speaker: Susanne Aalto (Chalmers University of Techno...
*** Title: Hidden outflows and obscured nuclei in Luminou...
Cold gas plays a central role in feeding and regulating s...
It is also increasingly clear that feedback from star for...
Mechanical feedback occurs in the form of winds (stellar,...
I will focus on recent ALMA and NOEMA studies of AGN and ...
I will for example present recent ALMA studies with resol...
physical and chemical conditions in outflow will be prese...
the outflowing gas to the nature of the driving source an...
I will also show how one can use the JVLA telescope for h...
** No. 325: 16 May, 2018 (Wed) 15:30 - 16:30 [#jcaf5cc2]
*** Speaker: Shuta J. Tanaka (Aoyama Gakuin University) [...
*** Title: Blocking Metal Accretion onto Population III S...
Abstract: Recent studies of the formation of first stars ...
Language: English
** No. 326: 24 May, 2018 (Mon) 15:00 - 16:00 [#f4e17407]
*** Speaker: Ronin Wu (Paris Observatory Meudon) [#jd5b12...
*** Title: Physical conditions of the PDR: a case study o...
Abstract: We investigate the physical conditions of molec...
In this talk, I will discuss (1) the relationship between...
** No. 327: 31 May, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#jcaf5cc2]
*** Speaker: 飯野孝浩 (東京農工大学) [#u5c66cf2]
*** Title: Sub-millimeter/millimeter single-dish and inte...
Abstract: 太陽系内惑星の大気は,組成や温度構造,ダイナミ...
Language: Japanese
** No. 328: 14 June, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#jcaf5cc2]
*** Speaker: 馬場俊介 (宇宙科学研究所) [#u5c66cf2]
*** Title: CO近赤外線吸収バンドで探る活動銀河核トーラスの...
Abstract: 活動銀河核(AGN)の多様性を統一的に理解するには...
Language: Japanese
** No. 329: 21 June, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#jcaf5cc2]
*** Speaker: 林田将明 (甲南大学) [#q6713821]
*** Title: 高エネルギーニュートリノ観測とマルチメッセンジ...
Abstract: 高エネルギーニュートリノはその優れた透過性から...
Language: Japanese
** No. 330: 28 June, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#ca9d9795]
*** Speaker: Eduardo Ibar (Universidad de Valparaiso) [#o...
*** Title: The VALES survey: a new look to the molecular ...
Abstract: In this talk, I will present a new extragalacti...
Language: English
** No. 331: 12 July, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#e813da44]
*** 講師: 橘省吾 (東京大学宇宙惑星科学研究機構) [#l96054b7]
*** 題目: 実験・分析・探査・観測の融合で理解したい太陽系...
要旨: 太陽系の起源と進化に関する私たちの理解は隕石に代表...
Language: Japanese
** No. 332: 19 July, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#ca9d9795]
*** Speaker: 星野洋輔(Georgia Institute of Technology)[...
*** Title: 宇宙の中の生命 [#ab46c4c3]
Abstract: 生命がどのようにして生まれたのか?生命は我々以...
Language: Japanese
** No. 333: 20 August, 2018 (Mon.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#d37292...
*** Speaker: Dr. Tyler Pritchard (New York University) [#...
*** Title: Deeper, Wider, Faster - A Simultaneous Multi-w...
The combination of modern advancements in electronics and
ever-increasing telescope apertures have resulted in the ...
era. One where once rarely detected astrophysical transi...
becoming increasingly commonplace and previous purely the...
objects are now on the cusp of (potential) detection. In ...
will discuss the burgeoning list of theoretical and obser...
transients and the “Deeper, Wider, Faster” survey; a simu...
multi-wavelength high cadence survey featuring simultaneo...
gamma-ray observations that has been designed to probe ne...
spaces and observe them.
** No. 334: 13 September, 2018 (Mon) 15:30 - 16:30 [#w231...
*** Speaker: Prof. Jari Kotilainen (Turku observatory) [#...
*** Title: Powerful relativistic jets from disk galaxies ...
Abstract: The launch of powerful relativistic jets has be...
Language: English
** No. 335: 11 October, 2018 (Mon) 15:30 - 16:30 [#h5e7fa...
*** Speaker: Tetsuya Hashimoto (National Tsing Hua Univer...
*** Title: A new parameter in the fundamental metallicity...
Abstract: Star-forming galaxies display a close relation ...
** No. 336: 8 November, 2018 (Mon) 15:30 - 16:30 [#he59cd...
*** 講師: 岡本丈典 (国立天文台) [#c3879702]
*** 題目: 太陽観測史上最強の黒点磁場 [#qeafcff5]
黒点は太陽を代表する構造の 1つであり、その正体は強い磁場...
一般的に黒点磁場は 3,000 ガウスと言われているが、
これに答えるべく、太陽観測衛星「ひので」が 10年に渡って撮...
全て調べてみたところ、太陽観測史上最大となる 6,250 ガウス...
典型的な強度の 2倍というのも驚きであるが、
** No. 337: 19 November, 2018 (Mon) 15:00 - 16:00 [#s7c11...
*** different from the regular IoA seminar, so please mak...
** Talk1 [#ha960176]
*** Speaker: Veronique Buat (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique ...
*** Title: The HELP Project, massive SED fitting and dust...
I will present the European/ FP7 HELP project aimed at de...
** Talk2 [#y37a10d2]
*** Speaker: Denis Burgarella (Laboratoire d'Astrophysiqu...
*** Title: Hi-z SMGs, Hi-z LBGs and low-zZ galaxies (TBC)...
Abstract: (TBA)
** No. 338: 29 Nov, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#ff88cd1a]
*** Speaker: 金子紘之 (国立天文台野辺山宇宙電波観測所) [#...
*** Title: What makes a variety of galaxies? -a view from...
Abstract: 銀河の多様性が如何にして獲得されたのかという疑...
Language: Japanese
** No. 339: 06 Dec, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#jf2c8b10]
*** Speaker: 坂野正明 (Wise Babel Ltd.) [#ca71ace3]
*** Title: 「理にそった英作文、英語発表」—— 筋立ての表現...
Abstract: 科学の世界の「作文」あるいは口頭発表において最...
Language: Japanese
** No. 340: 15 Jan., 2019 (Tue.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#t251c7a6]
*** Speaker: David Elbaz (CEA-Saclay) [#d4a89625]
*** Title: An ALMA view on the formation of massive galax...
Our understanding of galaxy formation is largely based on...
However, there are signs that pieces of the puzzle may be...
Is a major episode of our series on the history of the un...
I will present recent results obtained largely with the A...
** No. 341: 24 Jan., 2019 (Thu.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#vf4d732a]
*** Speaker: 小麦真也(工学院大学) [#i6277806]
*** Title: On the relation between ISM and star formation...
Star formation is a local process occurring at the scale ...
100 parsecs over several 10 Myrs, while collectively, it ...
galaxy evolution at much larger scales. Various relation...
quantities of the ISM, but we do not know which are the f...
that drive galaxy evolution. Using a sample of GMCs in t...
spiral galaxy M33 and NGC300 and utilizing the principle ...
analysis, we have identified two parameters which best ex...
properties of GMCs; one can be interpreted as "ISM conten...
other as "star formation activity". GMCs at different evo...
stages have distinct values of ISM content and SF activit...
implications on how the GMCs and the surrounding environm...
several 10 Myrs. The analyses also reveal that at the sc...
dust mass correlates with star formation better than CO, ...
extended form of the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation holds reg...
** No. 342: 31 Jan., 2019 (Thu.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#aa6bc9b0]
*** Speaker: 竹腰達哉(東京大学天文学教育研究センター) [#m...
*** Title: Dust-selected molecular clouds in the Small Mo...
小マゼラン雲は距離60 kpc にある極近傍の矮小銀河であり、低...
** No. 343: 13 Feb., 2019 (Wed.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#t251c7a6]
*** Speaker: S. R. Kulkarni (Zwicky Transient Facility, C...
*** Title: The Restless Universe (How the Periodic Table ...
Abstract: The Universe began only with hydrogen and heliu...
explosions which build up the periodic table! Astronomer...
identified several classes of cosmic explosions of which ...
constitute the largest group. The Palomar Transient Fact...
an innovative 2-telescope experiment, and its successor, ...
Transient Factory (ZTF), is a high tech project with giga...
cameras and sophisticated software system, and squarely a...
systematically find "blips and booms in the middle of the...
The speaker will talk about the great returns and surpris...
this project: super-luminous supernovae, new classes of t...
new light on progenitors of supernovae, detection of gamm...
bursts by purely optical techniques and troves of pulsati...
and binary stars. ZTF is poised to become the stepping s...
the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.
An areal view of the Palomar Observatory (California). T...
engine is the 48-inch telescope (extreme left) and the ph...
classification is done at the 60-inch telescope (extreme ...
Spectral classification is undertaken at the 200-inch tel...
(center). The very first synoptic survey undertaken with ...
field Schmidt telescope was F. Zwicky's 18-inch and is th...
dome to the right of the 200-inch.
** No. 344: 14 Feb. 2019 (Thu.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#f01d1161]
*** Speaker: 百瀬莉恵子(東京大学) [#x9f78eca]
*** Title: Evolution of galaxies traced by Lyman-alpha ha...
ハローを構成する淡いガス(銀河周辺物質 CGM)の観測から探...
CGM の形状や密度等の物理状態はガス収支を反映するため、そ...
CGM のトレーサーとして水素の再結合線である Lyα 輝線が注目...
輝線によって観測される CGM は Lyα halo と呼ばれており、そ...
Lyα 輝線銀河(LAE)やクェーサー(QSO)という銀河種族にお...
本セミナーでは、LAE、QSO の Lyα halo に関して、これまでの...
** No. 323: April 26 (Thu), 2018, 15:30 - 16:30 [#vcd09466]
*** 講師: 福島登志夫(国立天文台) [#b0e9a86c]
*** 題目: 自然科学における温故知新のすすめ [#sfcf2590]
要旨: 「温故知新」は孔子の初学者に対する助言である。新し...
1965年に発表された高速フーリエ変換(Fast Fourier Trans...
高速検索技法やProject Gutenbergに代表される無料電子図書館の
*** Speaker: Toshio FUKUSHIMA (NAOJ) [#s4001340]
*** Title: Study Old and Find New [#nf7a2c82]
Abstract: "Study Old and Find New" is a Confucian advice ...
it is a general principle, this motto is not so advocated...
Rather, we are told to "Study Now and Find New." However,...
is not so simple. Indeed, there exists an educative speci...
discovery was delayed to be popularized because nobody di...
The well-known FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) was said to b...
by Cooley and Tukey in 1965. Nevertheless, Gauss did prop...
same method in 1805. An older example is Newton's cannon ...
in Vol. 3 of PRINCIPIA, which is nothing but the artifici...
Laplace estimated an upper bound of Sun's density by usin...
that its escape velocity is less than the speed of light....
the Sun is never a black hole, which the general theory o...
said to have discovered. Then, how can we avoid such a re...
of the existing but not popular idea? The only solution m...
"Study Old, Study Old, and Study Old". Fortunately, the d...
of searching engines as the Google and the spread of free...
library systems like the Project Gutenberg seem to have i...
the situation. Having said so, we must admit that remaine...
issue: exponentially increasing literature. It might mean...
lifetime of a researcher is spent before reaching the cut...
Is there any other way to resolve this problem than relyi...
advancement of the Artificial Intelligence?
** No. 324: 14 May, 2018 (Mon) 15:30 - 16:30 [#f4e17407]
*** Speaker: Susanne Aalto (Chalmers University of Techno...
*** Title: Hidden outflows and obscured nuclei in Luminou...
Cold gas plays a central role in feeding and regulating s...
It is also increasingly clear that feedback from star for...
Mechanical feedback occurs in the form of winds (stellar,...
I will focus on recent ALMA and NOEMA studies of AGN and ...
I will for example present recent ALMA studies with resol...
physical and chemical conditions in outflow will be prese...
the outflowing gas to the nature of the driving source an...
I will also show how one can use the JVLA telescope for h...
** No. 325: 16 May, 2018 (Wed) 15:30 - 16:30 [#jcaf5cc2]
*** Speaker: Shuta J. Tanaka (Aoyama Gakuin University) [...
*** Title: Blocking Metal Accretion onto Population III S...
Abstract: Recent studies of the formation of first stars ...
Language: English
** No. 326: 24 May, 2018 (Mon) 15:00 - 16:00 [#f4e17407]
*** Speaker: Ronin Wu (Paris Observatory Meudon) [#jd5b12...
*** Title: Physical conditions of the PDR: a case study o...
Abstract: We investigate the physical conditions of molec...
In this talk, I will discuss (1) the relationship between...
** No. 327: 31 May, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#jcaf5cc2]
*** Speaker: 飯野孝浩 (東京農工大学) [#u5c66cf2]
*** Title: Sub-millimeter/millimeter single-dish and inte...
Abstract: 太陽系内惑星の大気は,組成や温度構造,ダイナミ...
Language: Japanese
** No. 328: 14 June, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#jcaf5cc2]
*** Speaker: 馬場俊介 (宇宙科学研究所) [#u5c66cf2]
*** Title: CO近赤外線吸収バンドで探る活動銀河核トーラスの...
Abstract: 活動銀河核(AGN)の多様性を統一的に理解するには...
Language: Japanese
** No. 329: 21 June, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#jcaf5cc2]
*** Speaker: 林田将明 (甲南大学) [#q6713821]
*** Title: 高エネルギーニュートリノ観測とマルチメッセンジ...
Abstract: 高エネルギーニュートリノはその優れた透過性から...
Language: Japanese
** No. 330: 28 June, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#ca9d9795]
*** Speaker: Eduardo Ibar (Universidad de Valparaiso) [#o...
*** Title: The VALES survey: a new look to the molecular ...
Abstract: In this talk, I will present a new extragalacti...
Language: English
** No. 331: 12 July, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#e813da44]
*** 講師: 橘省吾 (東京大学宇宙惑星科学研究機構) [#l96054b7]
*** 題目: 実験・分析・探査・観測の融合で理解したい太陽系...
要旨: 太陽系の起源と進化に関する私たちの理解は隕石に代表...
Language: Japanese
** No. 332: 19 July, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#ca9d9795]
*** Speaker: 星野洋輔(Georgia Institute of Technology)[...
*** Title: 宇宙の中の生命 [#ab46c4c3]
Abstract: 生命がどのようにして生まれたのか?生命は我々以...
Language: Japanese
** No. 333: 20 August, 2018 (Mon.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#d37292...
*** Speaker: Dr. Tyler Pritchard (New York University) [#...
*** Title: Deeper, Wider, Faster - A Simultaneous Multi-w...
The combination of modern advancements in electronics and
ever-increasing telescope apertures have resulted in the ...
era. One where once rarely detected astrophysical transi...
becoming increasingly commonplace and previous purely the...
objects are now on the cusp of (potential) detection. In ...
will discuss the burgeoning list of theoretical and obser...
transients and the “Deeper, Wider, Faster” survey; a simu...
multi-wavelength high cadence survey featuring simultaneo...
gamma-ray observations that has been designed to probe ne...
spaces and observe them.
** No. 334: 13 September, 2018 (Mon) 15:30 - 16:30 [#w231...
*** Speaker: Prof. Jari Kotilainen (Turku observatory) [#...
*** Title: Powerful relativistic jets from disk galaxies ...
Abstract: The launch of powerful relativistic jets has be...
Language: English
** No. 335: 11 October, 2018 (Mon) 15:30 - 16:30 [#h5e7fa...
*** Speaker: Tetsuya Hashimoto (National Tsing Hua Univer...
*** Title: A new parameter in the fundamental metallicity...
Abstract: Star-forming galaxies display a close relation ...
** No. 336: 8 November, 2018 (Mon) 15:30 - 16:30 [#he59cd...
*** 講師: 岡本丈典 (国立天文台) [#c3879702]
*** 題目: 太陽観測史上最強の黒点磁場 [#qeafcff5]
黒点は太陽を代表する構造の 1つであり、その正体は強い磁場...
一般的に黒点磁場は 3,000 ガウスと言われているが、
これに答えるべく、太陽観測衛星「ひので」が 10年に渡って撮...
全て調べてみたところ、太陽観測史上最大となる 6,250 ガウス...
典型的な強度の 2倍というのも驚きであるが、
** No. 337: 19 November, 2018 (Mon) 15:00 - 16:00 [#s7c11...
*** different from the regular IoA seminar, so please mak...
** Talk1 [#ha960176]
*** Speaker: Veronique Buat (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique ...
*** Title: The HELP Project, massive SED fitting and dust...
I will present the European/ FP7 HELP project aimed at de...
** Talk2 [#y37a10d2]
*** Speaker: Denis Burgarella (Laboratoire d'Astrophysiqu...
*** Title: Hi-z SMGs, Hi-z LBGs and low-zZ galaxies (TBC)...
Abstract: (TBA)
** No. 338: 29 Nov, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#ff88cd1a]
*** Speaker: 金子紘之 (国立天文台野辺山宇宙電波観測所) [#...
*** Title: What makes a variety of galaxies? -a view from...
Abstract: 銀河の多様性が如何にして獲得されたのかという疑...
Language: Japanese
** No. 339: 06 Dec, 2018 (Thu) 15:30 - 16:30 [#jf2c8b10]
*** Speaker: 坂野正明 (Wise Babel Ltd.) [#ca71ace3]
*** Title: 「理にそった英作文、英語発表」—— 筋立ての表現...
Abstract: 科学の世界の「作文」あるいは口頭発表において最...
Language: Japanese
** No. 340: 15 Jan., 2019 (Tue.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#t251c7a6]
*** Speaker: David Elbaz (CEA-Saclay) [#d4a89625]
*** Title: An ALMA view on the formation of massive galax...
Our understanding of galaxy formation is largely based on...
However, there are signs that pieces of the puzzle may be...
Is a major episode of our series on the history of the un...
I will present recent results obtained largely with the A...
** No. 341: 24 Jan., 2019 (Thu.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#vf4d732a]
*** Speaker: 小麦真也(工学院大学) [#i6277806]
*** Title: On the relation between ISM and star formation...
Star formation is a local process occurring at the scale ...
100 parsecs over several 10 Myrs, while collectively, it ...
galaxy evolution at much larger scales. Various relation...
quantities of the ISM, but we do not know which are the f...
that drive galaxy evolution. Using a sample of GMCs in t...
spiral galaxy M33 and NGC300 and utilizing the principle ...
analysis, we have identified two parameters which best ex...
properties of GMCs; one can be interpreted as "ISM conten...
other as "star formation activity". GMCs at different evo...
stages have distinct values of ISM content and SF activit...
implications on how the GMCs and the surrounding environm...
several 10 Myrs. The analyses also reveal that at the sc...
dust mass correlates with star formation better than CO, ...
extended form of the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation holds reg...
** No. 342: 31 Jan., 2019 (Thu.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#aa6bc9b0]
*** Speaker: 竹腰達哉(東京大学天文学教育研究センター) [#m...
*** Title: Dust-selected molecular clouds in the Small Mo...
小マゼラン雲は距離60 kpc にある極近傍の矮小銀河であり、低...
** No. 343: 13 Feb., 2019 (Wed.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#t251c7a6]
*** Speaker: S. R. Kulkarni (Zwicky Transient Facility, C...
*** Title: The Restless Universe (How the Periodic Table ...
Abstract: The Universe began only with hydrogen and heliu...
explosions which build up the periodic table! Astronomer...
identified several classes of cosmic explosions of which ...
constitute the largest group. The Palomar Transient Fact...
an innovative 2-telescope experiment, and its successor, ...
Transient Factory (ZTF), is a high tech project with giga...
cameras and sophisticated software system, and squarely a...
systematically find "blips and booms in the middle of the...
The speaker will talk about the great returns and surpris...
this project: super-luminous supernovae, new classes of t...
new light on progenitors of supernovae, detection of gamm...
bursts by purely optical techniques and troves of pulsati...
and binary stars. ZTF is poised to become the stepping s...
the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.
An areal view of the Palomar Observatory (California). T...
engine is the 48-inch telescope (extreme left) and the ph...
classification is done at the 60-inch telescope (extreme ...
Spectral classification is undertaken at the 200-inch tel...
(center). The very first synoptic survey undertaken with ...
field Schmidt telescope was F. Zwicky's 18-inch and is th...
dome to the right of the 200-inch.
** No. 344: 14 Feb. 2019 (Thu.) 15:30 - 16:30 [#f01d1161]
*** Speaker: 百瀬莉恵子(東京大学) [#x9f78eca]
*** Title: Evolution of galaxies traced by Lyman-alpha ha...
ハローを構成する淡いガス(銀河周辺物質 CGM)の観測から探...
CGM の形状や密度等の物理状態はガス収支を反映するため、そ...
CGM のトレーサーとして水素の再結合線である Lyα 輝線が注目...
輝線によって観測される CGM は Lyα halo と呼ばれており、そ...
Lyα 輝線銀河(LAE)やクェーサー(QSO)という銀河種族にお...
本セミナーでは、LAE、QSO の Lyα halo に関して、これまでの...