IoA Seminar 2024 / 令和6年度(2024年度) 東京大学天文学教育研究センター談話会



東京大学・天文学教育研究センターでは2003年4月から談話会を開いています。 第一線で活躍されている研究者の方々を講師にお招きし、最先端の研究成果をお話しいただきます。 講師の方には、大学院生の参加者のことも考慮し、レビュー的な側面も含めた上で、ご自身の研究紹介をお願いしています。
なお、当談話会は天文学研究者・学生を対象に大学・大学院での 専門的な研究と教育を目的として開催されています。 一般の方は公開講座・講演会などにご参加いただければ幸いです。




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Upcoming Seminars

No. 423: September 13, 2024 (Fri) 15:00-16:00

Place: Lecture room, IoA, Univ. of Tokyo

Speaker: Martijn Oei (Caltech)

Title: Black hole jets on the scale of the Cosmic Web

Language: English

Abstract: Jets launched by supermassive black holes transport relativistic leptons, entrained atomic nuclei, magnetic fields, and heat from the centres of galaxies to their outskirts and beyond. These outflows embody the most energetic pathway by which galaxies respond to the surrounding Cosmic Web. Understanding black hole feedback is an active research area, with implications for galaxy evolution, the stability of galaxy clusters, and the origin of cosmic rays, heavy elements, and magnetism in the intergalactic medium. The significance of this feedback to cosmology is ultimately bounded by the reach of black hole jets, and could be sweeping if jets travel far at early epochs. In this talk, I discuss the joint LOFAR–uGMRT–Keck discovery of a black hole jet pair extending over 7 megaparsecs, currently the largest known structure made by an astrophysical body. The outflow, seen 7.5 Gyr into the past, spans two-thirds of a typical coeval cosmic void radius, thus entering voids at high (∼96%) probability. This system demonstrates that black hole–launched jets can avoid destruction by magnetohydrodynamical instabilities over cosmic distances, even at epochs when the Universe was an order of magnitude denser than it is today. Whereas previously known extreme outflows appear predominantly launched by radiatively inefficient AGN, the current outflow is launched by a radiatively efficient AGN, the type most common at early epochs. If, as implied, a larger population of early void-entering outflows existed, then black hole jets could have played an important role in cosmic magnetogenesis. This outflow shows that energy transport from supermassive black holes operates on scales of the Cosmic Web and raises the possibility that cosmic rays, heavy elements, and magnetism in the intergalactic medium have a non-local, cross-void origin.


4232024年9月13日(金) 15:00-16:00Martijn Oei (Caltech)Black hole jets on the scale of the Cosmic WebTBA
4242024年12月12日(木) 14:55-15:55Takashi Okamoto (Hokkaido University)TBDTBA


詳細はこちら: 令和6(2024)年度談話会

4222024年8月5日(月) 15:30-16:30郡和範 (国立天文台科学研究部)ダークマター・ダークエネルギーの正体を暴く天文観測I.Sakon
4212024年7月3日(水) 15:30-16:30Farhad Yusef-Zadeh (Northwestern University)Highlights of the MeerKAT Survey of the Galactic CenterI.Sakon/Y.Sofue
4202024年6月25日(火) 16:00-17:00James W. Beletic (Teledyne Scientific & Imaging)The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) - Humankind’s greatest space science facilityImai/K.Motohara
4192024年6月25日火) 11:00-12:00Meghan Dorn (Teledyne Scientific & Imaging)Teledyne Imaging Sensors Infrared FPAs for Astronomy & Earth ObservationI.Sakon/K.Motohara
418(臨時)2024年6月19日(水) 14:00-14:30F. Peter Schloerb (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst)Thermal stabilization of the Large Millimeter TelescopeI.Sakon/K.Kohno
417(臨時)2024年6月19日(水) 13:30-14:00David H. Hughes (Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica)The Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT) Alfonso Serrano: current status and future upgradesI.Sakon/K.Kohno
4162024年6月13日(木) 15:30-16:30服部公平 (統計数理研究所/国立天文台)Dynamics and chemistry of the Milky Way revealed from Gaia dataI. Sakon
4152024年6月6日(木) 15:30-16:30Jong-Hak Woo (Seoul National University)Understanding black hole engine based on time-domain studiesK. Morokuma
4142024年5月16日(木) 15:30-16:30Kana Morokuma (Institute of Astronomy, University of Tokyo)Galaxy evolution in overdense environmentsI. Sakon


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