IoA Seminar 2023 / 令和5年度(2023年度) 東京大学天文学教育研究センター談話会



東京大学・天文学教育研究センターでは2003年4月から談話会を開いています。 第一線で活躍されている研究者の方々を講師にお招きし、最先端の研究成果をお話しいただきます。 講師の方には、大学院生の参加者のことも考慮し、レビュー的な側面も含めた上で、ご自身の研究紹介をお願いしています。
なお、当談話会は天文学研究者・学生を対象に大学・大学院での 専門的な研究と教育を目的として開催されています。 一般の方は公開講座・講演会などにご参加いただければ幸いです。




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Upcoming Seminars

No. 401: 20 April 2023 (Thu) 15:30-16:30

Speaker: Yao-Lun Yang (Research Scientist, RIKEN)

Title: Complex chemistry in the era of JWST and ALMA

Language: English

Abstract: The discovery of complex organic molecules (COMs) in solar-type protostars highlights the extensive chemical evolution at the onset of planet formation. These molecules, which are potential precursors to pre-biotic molecules, are also found in comets that contain the most pristine matter in the solar system. In recent years, the increasing detection of COMs by interferometric sub-mm/mm observations, such as ALMA and VLA, suggest a common presence of COMs in the early stage of star formation. However, the formation pathways of COMs and whether most protostars undergo similar chemical evolution remain open questions with incomplete observational constraints. It is thought that COMs form in the ice mantles on dust grains followed by thermal sublimation near protostars, but direct observational constraints are scarce. While ALMA provides sub-100 au resolution, a resolution necessary to resolve sites of planet formation, to characterize gaseous COMs in nearby embedded protostars, measurements of chemical composition in ices had been limited by low-resolution and limited sensitivity spectroscopy until JWST, which can probe ices at a spatial scale comparable to that by ALMA with unprecedented sensitivity. In this talk, I will highlight the frontier of complex chemistry from observations of COMs in both gas- and ice-phase. Particularly, I will discuss the recent JWST results on ice in protostellar environments, especially focusing on the latest results of the CORINOS program. We have found potential signatures of icy COMs in a young embedded protostar. I will also discuss the prospects of a holistic chemical analysis of both ice and gas in the era of JWST and ALMA.


4012023年4月20日(木)Yao-Lun Yang (RIKEN)Complex chemistry in the era of JWST and ALMA天文センター
4022023年5月26日(木)藤田真司 (IoA/UT)TBA天文センター


詳細はこちら: 令和5(2023)年度談話会

4002023年4月6日(木)Doug Johnstone (National Research Council Canada)What the Variability of Embedded Protostars Tells Us about Accretion: Past, Present, and FutureK. Kohno


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